End of Season Awards and Ball!

Albeit in a different format this year, the ball must go on! Over zoom we held a livestream with pre-recorded videos to replace our traditional awards and end of season speeches.
President Molly kicked off the ceremony with her welcome speech.
Coach mike then took the floor and highlighted the 1s great achievements in securing another BUCS PREM spot for next year as well as cup success. This led us onto the First Team awards:
- Coaches Player of the Year: Hannah Dryden
- Players Player of the Year: Jen Brown
- Most Improved Player of the Year: Jen Brown (Also top goalscorer!)
Next up was Coach Derek dressed for the occasion. Amazing work by the 2s this year and coaches Derek and Cliff in getting a record total points scored in the Top Scottish BUCS League. The 2s awards where then announced:
- Coaches Player of the Year: Kirsty Wilson
- Players Player of the Year: Katie McCabe
- Most Improved Player of the Year: Jill West.
Onto the League Champions... Laura with an emotional speech to sum up years of hard work by the club to gain promotion for the 3s! Captain Molly and Vice Captains Fiona and Helena were there to announce the 3s awards.
- Coaches Player of the Year: Steph Khoory
- Players Player of the Year: Steph Khoory
- Most Improved Player of the Year: Anne-Louise Jones
New to this season was our 4th team led by Coach Sean. He talked of the great development he had seen through the year and excitement for the future!
- Sean's Player of the Year: Pippa Gosden
Onto Futsal now...
Ours 1s have had yet again a great season in the BUCS Prem and reached the Quarter-Final of the Championship an amazing achievement against the best teams in the UK.
- First Team player of the Year: Kirstie Mcintosh
Our Second Team are also LEAGUE CHAMPIONS of the Top Scottish League. A great squad that thoroughly deserved this result.
- Second Team player of the Year: Caitlin Mitchell.
For the final conclusion of the awards ceremony we went onto the Services to the Club. These individuals have gone above and beyond to help make the club the success that it is.
First tier of this award is the Services to the Club. Congratulations to:
- Fiona Graham
- Megan Gower
- Linda Martetschlaeger
- Cecilia Bosman
- Ellie Wolfe
The Second tear is for OUTSTANDING services to the Club. Congratulations and many thanks to:
- Molly Simmons
- Derek Nelson
Thank you for your service to the club. Congrats to all the award winners, players and coaches for a fantastic season. To end the night a surprise leavers video was put together to give an emotional end and goodbye to our leavers!
Our 2020 leavers are:
Stephanie Khoory; Jane Marshall; Rebecca Gray; Katie Macdonald; Coco Dietz; Olivia Fraser; Fiona Graham; Hannah Hassan; Meghan Joyce-Anderson; Hannah Lee; Cat Lynn; Katie McCabe; Jenna McDonald; Bel O'Nunian; Molly Simmons; Briony Smith; Krissy Williams; Kirsty Wilson; Freya Wilson; Ellie Wolfe; Maia Cohen; Emni Eisner; Grace Huettel; Hailey Kent; Isabel Sands; Saira Shetty; Elaine Xia.
Thank you to everyone that attended our Virtual Ball across the world! See you all very soon and stay safe! Love EUWAFC x